Do I Need A Home Mold Inspection?

When Buying A Home In Florida's Humid Climate Seriously Consider A Mold Inspection

When something doesn't seem right, it is our duty as home inspection professionals to point it out when something feels off. Mold is one of those items that is often overlooked because it isn't always obvious. Here in Florida, it is also a health risk that you may not want to mess with. At Solid Rock Inspections Group, we have inspected hundred of beautiful homes that generate readings on a mold inspection that would downright shock you.

In this piece we will talk about how to do your own basic mold inspection at home, what to look for if you suspect there may be a mold issue in your home and then talk more about what is involved with a mold inspection.

Signs You May Need A Mold Inspection

Here are some household items you can be on the lookout for when looking over your own house for mold problems.

Do The Sniff Test

Mold doesn't always have a smell, but many types of mold do have some odor. The more common types of molds usually carry a scent, so if you have a lingering musty smell throughout your house, you may need to investigate deeper to figure out where it is coming from and whether the source poses a health risk.

Look Around

If a large problem exists, mold can and will display itself visually in the form of grey, black or brown colors. It may even take on the colors surrounding it like wallpaper or drywall. The point is that if you see anything that resembles mold while performing your own mold inspection, you need to have it checked out immediately.

Look For Water Leaks

Existing leaks are a blooming ground for molds, especially if there are organic materials surrounding the leak, such as wood or insulation. When a water leak is discovered, you should have those checked out by a mold specialist to determine the size and scope of the problem.

Check For Water Damage

Even when you get a water leak fixed, there still could be a much more significant problem sitting behind the scenes. Keep an eye out for bubbling paint or wallpaper. Even dry cracking paint could be a sign that a mold problem may still be present. Even if the section of your home looks dry now, there very well could be a deeper problem hiding behind the walls.

Solid Rock Inspection Group, Clearwater, FL, Mold Testing

What Happens During Mold Testing?

At Solid Rock Home Inspections we perform the following steps when inspecting a home for mold issues regardless of whether you see mold in your home, suspect there could be a mold problem or even if you just want to make sure a problem doesn't exist.

  • Our mold inspection professionals will visually inspect the areas of your home where mold typically forms, along with any other hard to reach spots you may not have noticed. If mold is visually detected, we will take photos in order to learn what type of mold is present.
  • Since mold can hide in spaces that are not visible, we may use infrared cameras to detect mold issues behind walls or appliances.
  • If it is determined that mold is present during a mold inspection, our inspector will carefully take a sample, ensuring the spores are not disturbed distributing them into the air. If disturbed mold spores can get in your ventilation system and be carried all over the house.
  • The sample will then be sent out to a lab for analysis in order to determine which type of mold it is. Then, you as the home owner, can tell a mold specialist so they will know exactly how to treat the problems and clean it. Some mold is easy to kill while other types may require multiple treatments.
  • After we get your results back, you can begin the mold cleanup. We can typically help you out with a referral to a specialist that can clean the effected area for you.

Schedule Your Next Mold Inspection Today

A mold inspection is a specialty inspection and typically not included with our standard home inspection or 4 point home inspection. If you want to have an in depth mold inspection performed, be sure to request it as part of the general inspection. If you are ready to schedule your next mold inspection, call us at (727) 386-8627 or contact us on our website here. We will be happy to provide a quote and answer any questions about mold that you may have.

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