Buying a home is a serious investment. Be sure to be on the lookout for the not so obvious details and your purchase will be a breeze. Call Solid Rock Inspections Group when you need that property inspection done fast.
It is important to realize that property inspectors have to go through extensive training in order to become a certified home inspector including 120 hours of coursework, additional learning, exams, applications and state fees.
Many homes come with unique characteristics that may play an important role in your home ownership experience. If you choose to miss the inspection, you may miss out on understanding valuable information that won’t make it on inspection reports.
A mobile home foundation certification is required by insurance companies and lenders before financing or a policy can be set up. If you are considering buying a mobile home, continue reading.
Just because a home is newly built, it doesn’t mean it is free from defects. An inspection can help identify and avoid major problems that can occur down the road.
In today’s competitive real estate market, it can be difficult to find a residential property inspection company you can trust. Here are seven tips that will help you know what to look for during your search.
Once you become a home owner, it is important to pay attention to home improvement projects that not only improve your home’s appearance and functionality in order to help keep your home’s value high.
Mold is incredibly destructive to your home and dangerous to your health. The best way to ensure your home is free of mold in Florida is to hire a licensed property inspection company that specializes in mold testing. Learn more.
As a homeowner, the biggest responsibility is checking the condition of a home’s roof. When you skip over regular roof maintenance, your home and family are at risk for dangerous problems down the road.
At Solid Rock Inspections Group, we have performed thousands of property inspections that will allow us to share a few important insider tips about the home inspection process.