Do You Need An Inspection On New Home Construction?

Don't Skip The Inspection On Any New Home Construction…Here's Why

One of the major mistakes home buyers make is skipping over the inspection on new home construction properties. After all, it's a brand new home. What could possibly be wrong with it? Plus, the local government inspects the property anyway in order to issue an approval for occupancy.

Unfortunately, even with new homes, there can be flaws, sometimes even large expensive ones. Also, the local government only inspects to ensure a bare minimum of standards have been met. They don't inspect to ensure the quality of the work being done. When you are investing several hundred thousands of dollars on a new home, the last thing you want checked is the "bare minimum".

New Home Construction Problems Are Different Than Those In Older Homes

On a brand new home, you won't find the same issues you find in older homes such as a roof that needs to be replaced, mold damage or an HVAC system that needs to be replaced. However, you could find problems related to poor craftsmanship. For example, warped floors, joists that are improperly connected, bad venting or appliances that have not been installed correctly are just a few examples of issues that may come up when inspecting a new home construction property.

Your contract on the construction of a new home allows you the right to perform an inspection before taking possession. However, most people don't see the point in spending the money on an inspection when the house is brand new. Compared to the investment one makes when purchasing the property, the cost of an inspection is nominal.

Solid Rock Inspections Group, Largo, FL, New Construction

Inspect New Home Construction Twice

Construction workers and contractors aren't perfect. Sometimes they make mistakes. Sometimes they know they mistakes and try to hide them and sometimes they don't have the skill needed to build a home and don't realize they are making a mistake. No matter what the level of work delivered, a new home property inspection can reveal the mistakes, so you can get them corrected before taking ownership of the home.

In an ideal situation, you will want to have the home inspected two times. Once in the middle of the construction BEFORE the drywall is hung. This allows our property inspectors to examine the electrical wiring and framing that will be covered up later. If a problem is discovered at this stage, it is much easier to make repairs versus when the drywall is put in place.

The second time for an inspection is obviously when the construction is just finished.

If you are building a new home or buying a home currently under construction, make sure the builder will allow access to a property inspector. If they don't, it should be a major red flag. A builder may brush it off as company policy or that there is a liability issue. However, any builder who has nothing to hide will allow their project to be inspected. If they deny access, you may want to seriously consider cancelling the contract as you will never know what you could find years down the road.

Only Hire Professionally Certified Inspectors

When hiring a property inspector here in the Tampa Bay area, be sure they are professionally certified by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI). The organization requires a standard skillset and makes continuing education mandatory to ensure that those you hire absolutely knows what they are doing. Each member of our inspection team is NACHI certified in order to provide the best value to our clients here at Solid Rock Inspections Group.

Having an inspection performed on new home construction may seem like overkill. However, consider it the ultimate peace of mind that insures you are actually getting what you are paying a lot of money for…that perfect new home. Call Solid Rock Inspections Group today at (727) 386-8627 to schedule your next property inspection or contact us on our website here. We look forward to helping you protect your largest investment: your home.

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